Helping You Grow Your Faith

WAVES continually provides opportunities for students


WAVES has been helping missionary organizations and churches equip their members to more effectively share their faith in Jesus Christ. We use the experience that we have gained over 23 years of sharing Jesus on the campuses or Miami-Dade College and have developed teachings that will help your people become more confident and successful in reaching others for Jesus Christ.

We can bring our Witnessing Workshops to your church or other gathering. Our Workshops work best when can invest four to twelve hours with your group.

“What You Will Learn”

How to mover conversations from the secular to the sacred.
Successful sharing tips so you don’t sound like a crazy Christian.
How to Witness to people from other religions.
How to make friends with and disciple new believers.
How great your testimony really is.
Overcoming fear.
How to handle question and objections.
A simple plan for sharing Jesus.
Teach others to share their faith
Grow in your relationship with God.

Evangelize Students

WAVES Campus Ministries also offers opportunities for College Students, Youth With A Mission Staff and Church members to learn how to more effectively share their faith.

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